In these last three weeks of 2016, Storychord.com takes a break from posting new issues to take stock of this past year's offerings and prepare exciting new ones for the site's 7th(!) year of publication.
If you've ever considered sending your short fiction, visual art, or songs for consideration, this month's formal reading/review period is a prime opportunity to do so. Storychord is especially looking for visual art (painters, photographers, illustrators, mixed media/collage, etc.) and bands/musicians to pair with stories selected for upcoming issues.
Read our submission guidelines for more information -- and spread the word to the talented writers, artists, and musicians you know.
Lots more good stuff is ahead for 2017. Subscribe via RSS or e-mail so you don't miss a thing!
Wishing you happy holidays and a bright start to the new year,
--Sarah Lynn Knowles
Editor/Founder of Storychord